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Facts about falls with the elderly

  • More than three-quarters of falls take place either inside or outside, in close proximity to the home, where a 2-way medical alert system can be of immediate assistance.

  • Many falls do not result in injuries, yet a large percentage of non-injured fallers (47%) cannot get up without assistance.

  • More fall injuries are caused by falls on the same level (vs. stairs) and from a standing highlight, i.e. tripping while walking. 
  • About half (53%) of the older adults who are discharged for fall-related hip fractures will experience another fall with in six months.

  • Falls are the leading cause of death due to injury among the elderly 87% of all fractures in the elderly are due to falls.

  • For the elderly who fall and are unable to get up on their own, the period of time spent immobile often affects their health outcome. Muscle cell breakdown starts to occur within 30-60 minutes of compression due to falling. Dehydration, pressure sores, hypothermia, and pneumonia are other complications that may result.

  • Getting help after an immobilizing fall improves the chance of survival by 80% and increases the likelihood of a return to independent living.

  • Because the U.S. population is aging, the problem of hip fractures will increase substantially over the next four decades. By the year 2040, the number of hip fractures is expected to exceed 500,000 per year.

  • 6-9% early mortality rate for those who make it to the hospital shortly after the fall.

Facts about heart attacks

  • 1.5 Millions Heart Attacks in USA every year
  • 500,000 Deaths from heart attacks every year
  • 50% of deaths occur within 1 hour of the heart attack
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